Deb Anderson
Co Founder
LLB (Hons) Post Grad Diploma in Legal Practice DFP AGIA ACG MAICD
- Corporate Governance Consultant
- Company Secretary
- Lawyer
Deb is a qualified lawyer, admitted to practise in Queensland and holds a principal practising certificate. Deb is also a qualified company secretary, associate of the Governance Institute of Australia, and Chartered Governance Institute and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Deb also holds a Diploma in Financial Planning. Deb is specialising in the key areas of: Corporate Governance; Company Secretary; and Legal.
Deb has been a company secretary for more than 10 years for a number of companies (both ASX listed and unlisted) predominantly in financial services and has extensive experience across a variety of committees including Nomination, Remuneration and Governance and Group Audit and Risk committees.
In addition, Deb has over 15 years as in-house corporate counsel for an ASX listed financial services company and brings a strong commercial and practical focus to the role, with extensive litigation experience.Deb has also been involved in a number of corporate transactions including capital raisings, restructures and schemes, and been part of ensuring all regulatory requirements relating to those transactions were met.